jueves, 15 de enero de 2009

Adele Chasing Pavements

Hey guys, here is a great video of a wonderful and very talented singer. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did :)

miércoles, 14 de enero de 2009

How has your learning process in English III been with Lisette Lunar?

Over this semester I was able to learn several aspects of written English that I didn’t knew about before, such as some new vocabulary, writing techniques, the different types of paragraphs that can be used in texts, and to organize all the primal ideas to be express on a text before starting to write. Trough all I am very pleased to say that I feel an upgrade on my writing in English, which was a primal goal for me in this class. Do to the methods of teaching of my professor Lisette Lunar, I must say that it was a good experience to learn from her, because she is a talented professional and a very understanding person who can help you not only with your work in class but also with any doubts that you can have over the process. Now I feel more capable to express myself in English, and to write a more meaningful and coherent text in other tongue that’s not my native language.

Creatures Clone Selves in Face of Danger

This is an expositive text because the author provides us a conglomerate of information do to a specific topic. All the information is true and can be proven by facts and a very wide list of live testimonies that not only are scientists but also experts at the field of the topic. Besides all the experiments involved at the research process are described, analyzed and synthesized in a way that common people can understand and be a part of. The text has a specific order of ideas and the content is based on a proven theory, furthermore the information is given through the deductive method starting from a general topic finishing into a more narrowed form of it.

Chocolate a sweet treat that does the trick (argumentative text)

Chocolate has been consumed in all cultures since it crossed the barriers between Europe and the New Continent, now days we are able to have a piece of chocolate or a hot and tasty beverage whenever we like. But why is chocolate banned from our daily diet? Is it really prejudicial to eat this Mesoamerican invention? Let’s find out more about this topic.

Over time chocolate has developed a very bad reputation on the health front, mostly conformed by several myths and worries generated by the consumers. It’s common to think that eating too much chocolate can rot teeth, produce acne and be a major cause of overweight, but thanks to the research work of some scientists these believes are been discredit. For example, it’s not true that eating chocolate can cause acne or make it worse, because this illness is produced by the concentration of several bacteria and germs on the skin’s surface. Nor is chocolate a threat to healthy teeth, because cocoa and chocolate have properties that work against sugar’s tendency of producing oral bacteria, that leads to dental decay.

In addition, chocolate may not be the healthiest snack in the market, but it does contain a number of nutrients and chemicals that make us good. Is high in potassium and magnesium, it has vitamins B1, D, E, and B2, plus it has flavonols that prevent arterial clogging; furthermore as for calories, the average chocolate bar has 250 calories, low enough to be consumed as an occasional treat. It also contains over 300 chemicals, some of them having a positive effect over our brain waves, endocrine secretions such as endorphins, and mood shifts, helping us to feel good, happy and satisfied.

Chocolate’s appeal doesn’t lay over only on its flavor, but also in all the benefits and unknown effects that produces in our minds and bodies. So it’s time to give chocolate a second chance, grab a piece and enjoy all the sensorial experience.

miércoles, 17 de diciembre de 2008

Yelle and Zaho representative singers of the French music industry (narrative text)

Yelle, a combinated name between Yeah and Elle, is a French singer from a town called Saint-Brieuc located on Bretagne. She started to be recognized since she posted a song titled “Short Dick Cuizi" in her Myspace page. Months later she had the opportunity to sign a contract with the producer GrandMarnier, recording her debut album “Pop-up”. After her hit single “Je Veux Te Voir” she recorded a featured song with Fatal Bazooka called “Parle à ma main" witch has been an international success. Now days she’s opening Mika’s European tour and has been elected MTV’s artist of the month at UK and Latin America.

Zaho was born in Oran, Algeria. She grew up in Bab Ezzouar, a suburb of Alger, until she was 18 years old and her family decided to move to Montreal, Canada. Her music career started when she was little with her interest in music instruments such as guitars and drums. In 1999 she discovered the professional world of music and recording studios, and decided to follow a music career putting aside her studies. She has worked with notable names in the French industry such as Tunisiano, Idir, and Soprano. In 2008, she released her debut album titled Dima and has grown an incredible success among French and international fans.

Both singers are very different, including style and backgrounds, but still keep the similarities of singing in French and having a profound love and dedication towards music. These women are part of the new industry of music, promoting European talent and giving showing that underground talent can be a part of commercial music.

Describing a piece of Jacqueline Bissett's art work (descriptive text)

In this image we can see a clear example of a very good illustration work. The lines are conformed by vectors and none of them are out of context. The colors are simple, yet full of contrast, giving the art work a great definition and richness.

It represents a very fashion trendy looking girl, relaxing and having a good time lying down. Maybe she is posing for a photo shoot she’s having or she is working on a photo book for her career. Her clothes are made of animal print, her make up is very glamorous and gives her a deep stare, and her lips are very voluptuous and glossy, making her more attractive.

This illustration is a small part of Jacqueline Bissett’s art work. Most of her images are fashion oriented and have been published in many magazines and beauty products. The tendency of using plain but vibrant colors is her trade mark. Particularly I find this piece very beautiful and delicate; it exudes good vibes and makes me think about fashion editorials.