miércoles, 14 de enero de 2009

Chocolate a sweet treat that does the trick (argumentative text)

Chocolate has been consumed in all cultures since it crossed the barriers between Europe and the New Continent, now days we are able to have a piece of chocolate or a hot and tasty beverage whenever we like. But why is chocolate banned from our daily diet? Is it really prejudicial to eat this Mesoamerican invention? Let’s find out more about this topic.

Over time chocolate has developed a very bad reputation on the health front, mostly conformed by several myths and worries generated by the consumers. It’s common to think that eating too much chocolate can rot teeth, produce acne and be a major cause of overweight, but thanks to the research work of some scientists these believes are been discredit. For example, it’s not true that eating chocolate can cause acne or make it worse, because this illness is produced by the concentration of several bacteria and germs on the skin’s surface. Nor is chocolate a threat to healthy teeth, because cocoa and chocolate have properties that work against sugar’s tendency of producing oral bacteria, that leads to dental decay.

In addition, chocolate may not be the healthiest snack in the market, but it does contain a number of nutrients and chemicals that make us good. Is high in potassium and magnesium, it has vitamins B1, D, E, and B2, plus it has flavonols that prevent arterial clogging; furthermore as for calories, the average chocolate bar has 250 calories, low enough to be consumed as an occasional treat. It also contains over 300 chemicals, some of them having a positive effect over our brain waves, endocrine secretions such as endorphins, and mood shifts, helping us to feel good, happy and satisfied.

Chocolate’s appeal doesn’t lay over only on its flavor, but also in all the benefits and unknown effects that produces in our minds and bodies. So it’s time to give chocolate a second chance, grab a piece and enjoy all the sensorial experience.

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